sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

Tom Fletcher.

Continuing with McFly, I'm going to introduce its members.

Tom Fletcher: Born on 17th July 1985 in Harrow (London), he's one of the lead vocals, guitarists, and has written the most of McFly's songs. He's the one that formed McFly, in 2003. Tom went to audition for Busted, but he wasn't accepted because the record lebel only wanted three members. Although, there he met James Bourne, one of the members of Busted, and they became friends. James tough him to write songs properly and gave him some music advices.
After some time, Tom was asked to audition for a new band, V. There, he met Danny Jones, who mistakenly was auditioning to that band, because it was more like a boy-band, without instruments and with coreographies, and that's not what Tom nor Danny were looking for. Tom got impressed of Danny's style and invited him to do some songwritting with him and James Bourne. When they stopped writting songs to Busted, Tom and Danny decided to form a band. They went to a hotel in London and started writting songs to the first album (like the song Room on the third floor says). Then, they put an anounce on the newspaper to find the other members, and that's how the found Dougie Poynter (bass) and Harry Judd (drums).
Tom's favourite film was Back to the future, so they decided to call the band like the main character, Marty McFly. He's a fanatic of films like Back to the future, Star Wars, Ghost Busters, Harry Potter, and all the books of that kind.
As well as the guitar, Tom plays the piano, and he's the pianist of some of the songs, like She falls asleep (him, the piano and an orchestra) Sorry's not good enough and We're the young. He's a very talented and artistic person, he plays guitar, piano, bass guitar, he paints, cooks and he loves cats. He's got three cats, Marvin, Leia and Aurora. He's been dating her girlfriend Giovanna Falcone for five years.
So this is Tom Fletcher, a funny and lovely person member of McFly.

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