domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Chapter 3: Truce.

Four weeks after Will and Anne’s arrival, Kim was really stressed: she got bad grades, she got on really badly with everybody, she argued with her dad all the time… She was so in a bad mood that the littlest thing bothered her. Then, a specially stressing day, Kim couldn’t avoid that an argument with William turned into something more.
- I told you to leave me alone… - Kimberly said impatiently.
She was in the living room trying to study and William wouldn’t stop throwing little pieces of eraser at her.
- I’m bored, you should be proud of being my reason of having fun. – He said, also ‘doing homework’.
- I’ll be proud when I kick your arse.
- Uh, that was really mean… - He said pretending to be afraid, and then threw another piece of eraser at her.
- Leave me the hell alone! You’re not even doing homework, go away! – She shouted at him. She had unconsciously stood up and looked at him fiercely.
- Ok, ok… - He said.
He went to the kitchen but, while passing by next to her, he threw at her the lasts pieces of eraser and kept walking.
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Kim run towards him, jumped over him and they both fell out the floor. William, who ended up under her, hit his head hardly.
- Since my mum died I’ve had to fight every day to wake up. My life was never easy, but since you and your mum came here, you completely ruined it!
She was on her knees over him. She had grabbed his shirt and, while yelling, she shook him. He only looked at her astonished.
- And your mum, how many times I’ve heard her talking shits about me to my dad! She says I’ve got too much freedom, I’m a spoiled girl, and he should to guard me! And then, your friends. They’re always criticizing me, insulting me and making fun of me, my boyfriend and Sally. And you do nothing about it! You laugh with them or agree! Don’t you know how it feels? Have you ever stopped to think about it? Do I mean this little to you…?
Kimberly had tears going down her cheek. She remained quiet waiting for an answer, but never thought of hearing what William said next.
- I'm sorry... - He said, looking right at her – I'm really sorry...
They were deeply looking at each other and Kimberly knew he was being sincere, so she get off of him and sat on the floor, with her arms around her legs. William slowly got up looking at her astonished; but she was looking somewhere else, like the horizon.
- I never saw you like this, you're really scary...
She still didn't say anything, so he continued talking.
- I know I'm not exactly 'Mister Friendly', but... it's not my fault that your mum died, nor our parents met, nor we came to live here, I didn't even wanted to...
But seeing that Kimberly was still absent-minded, he left her alone.

That night, Kim decided to shower before going to sleep and, when she went to her bedroom, she had to go back some steps and walk forward again to make sure that was her bedroom: William was sitting on her bed, like waiting for her.
- Knock, knock. - Kimberly said when she entered. - I think... you're in the wrong bedroom.
Will smiled and asked:
- You sleep here, don't you?
- Yes... - She answered a bit wary.
- Well, then I'm in the right bedroom. - He said as he got up. - I wanted to talk to you.
- OK. May I get dressed before? - She was just wearing underwear and a towel.
- Sure. - He said, but he didn't move.
- Yeah, that means 'go and come back later'. - She said, because the boy hadn't got the message.
- Come on, can't I just turn around? I don't want to waste time and who knows how much it takes to you to get dressed.
William was determinated to stay, so she thought about it.
- Al right, but if I turn around and you're looking, I'll castrate you.
Will pretended pain and turned around. She put her pyjama on quickly and got into bed.
- I'm ready.
He turned around and sat on her bed, very close to her.
- I listen. - Kim said a bit nervous because of he suddenly getting closer.
- I've came so we can make a deal. It may seem that I do, but I actually don't enjoy it when we argue, so we're going to have to change. For example, when...
It seemed he to be going on and on, so Kimberly interrupted him.
- Get to the point.
- OK. - He said – I ignore you and you ignore me. I won't get into your life and you won't get into mine.
- Right... does that include the bad murmurs?
- No more bad murmurs. - He said while shaking his head.
- And... does that include a 'I'll shut my friends up' too?
- Mmm... I'll try. But then you're going to have to talk to your friend Sissy and make her stop stressing me and pulling silly faces every time she sees me. - He said with vanity.
- First of all: It's Sally, not Sissy; and second: I'll try.
The boy rose his thumb up and stood up to go, but Kim grabbed his wrist and made him sit down again.
- Wait... I just wanted to apologize for what I did today, I don't know what happened to me, believe me, I don't usually get fits like that.
- Oh, no, I'm the one who should apologize. You had reasons to get mad at me, I admit I'm annoying. And you're right about the other things; about my friends, I mean. It's true that I haven't thought of you, I mean, in how you must feel when... well, you know, and it must be the most anti ethic thing in the world not knowing to be in the skin of someone else.
Kimberly was freaking out, and it must have reflected in her face, because William asked:
- What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?
- It's just... I would never have imagined those words could ever come out of your mouth.
The two young laugh and she continued.
- At last, that attitude of yours of being a nice guy is not bad.
- Yeah, it's just I'm realizing now of the person that there's behind so much... black stuff. After these weeks living with you, I don't know how I didn't realize before that you're cool.
- See? That's called judging without knowing...
Kim couldn't avoid that some tears came out of her eyes by saying that, after listening to what William had just said.
- Hey... Why are you crying? - William asked when he saw her, and got a bit closer
- It's just... after so many years taking your jokes, your insults... taking you hating me for no reason... taking your sucker friends, your wonderful girl friends always flattering around you, knowing myself that I'll never have you...
- What...? - He said lowly when he heard the last thing she had said.
She seemed not having listened to him and continued talking.
- After all that... that you come now and tell me what you told me... for me it's like you said you've always loved me...
She talked like if she was writing it in a personal diary, like if she didn't know he was right there, but then he spoke.
- Do you mean... that you like me?
She looked up horrified and put her hand over her mouth, like saying 'Did I say it loudly?'.
- Well, yes, I won't lie to you... But not now, but before meeting Tom. And I didn't like you, I was crazy about you.
- Wow... - He said and, after a few seconds, he put his hand on her cheek – Well, you know what? You're much better than any other girl in school. I've dated a few of them, but I've never loved any. They're very superficial, very silly. But you... - he started to caress her cheek and to get closer – you are sweet, smart... and very pretty...
Kim's heart started beating really fast. Will was closer each time, very closer... Their noses were almost touching... But no, she didn't want to, she couldn't, she had a great boy who she really loved, and the young boy who was now almost kissing her was only a dead illusion.
- Will...
He moved away slowly, got up and walker towards the door, but stopped at half the way.
- So... is it a deal? - He asked the girl about starting to get on well.
- It's a deal. - She said with a shy smile, then he turned around and left.
That night, Kimberly didn't have a well sleep, because she had the horrible feeling of having cheated her boyfriend.

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Harry Judd

Harry Judd: Harry was born in Chelmsford, Essex, on 23th December 1985. He's the drummer of McFly, and he doesn't usually sing. He started playing drums when he was sexteen, so he only had two years of experience when he joined McFly in the same auditions as Dougie.
When they starred the film Just my luck, Harry had an affair with the main actress Lindsay Lohan, before she becoming gay. As a joke, he always says about the topic that he 'turned her into a lesbian'.
Harry's life is the least known of the four guys. He's now dating a girl called Izzy, with who has passed through a separation a few months ago.
Harry has recently participated for charity in a special episode of a dance programme, Strictly Come Dancing, for Children In Need, and he won.

sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

Dougie Poynter

Dougie Poynter: Dougie was born on 30th November 1987 in Essex and he's the youngest member of McFly. He plays the bass in the band and does the chorus and sometimes he sings alone. He started with McFly when he was 15. In the audition he was really nervious and vomited in front of Danny and Tom. Dougie is the responsible of McFly being the youngest band getting a number 1 album (taken from The Beatles) because he was 16 when that happened.
He wasn't good at school, sports or anything, but music. Also, he said that he started playing bass because he was too lazy to learn how to play the guitar. But with the band he has learned to play the guitar and the drums.  
He normally doesn't sing much, only the chorus or some parts of the songs (Corrupted), but he helps at writting the songs and has written himself some, like Transylvania, Silence is a scary sound and Ignorance. He behaves shy at first sight, but he's actually weird and crazy and makes funny noises and faces.
He loves lizards, used to have 2, and he's got a dog called Flea.
Dougie has always described his perfect girl as Frankie Sandford, from The Saturdays, and they started dating like two years ago. Last year they argued and separated for some weeks, then made up, until last November, when they definitely split up. Now, Dougie is the only one single.

Danny Jones.

Danny Jones: Danny was born on 12th March 1986 in Bolton and he's the other guitarist and singer of McFly. He's helped in the writting the majority of McFly songs and has written some by himself, like Not alone and Dont't know why.
He's been a musician since he was a child, when he had a band with his sister, Vicky Jones, and a friend called YK2. As well as playing guitar, he plays the harmonic and a bit of piano tough by his bandmate Tom.
His favourite musician is Bruce Springsteen and his favourite song, Born in the USA. He says he's his father (joking, obviously). Danny's very cheerful, clumsy and funny. He's like the showman of the band.
Danny is some kind of a womanizer and has been in severals relationship, but  is currently dating Miss England Georgia Horsley. They live together in London and they're Tom's neighbours.
Danny's got two dogs, Bruce and Ralph.
In the first years of McFly, Danny had his hair always straight and long, but in 2006 he started having his hair natural and we found he's got curly hair.
He describes himself as agile, highly intelligent and very sexy, and his bandmates describe him as an idiot monkey.

Tom Fletcher.

Continuing with McFly, I'm going to introduce its members.

Tom Fletcher: Born on 17th July 1985 in Harrow (London), he's one of the lead vocals, guitarists, and has written the most of McFly's songs. He's the one that formed McFly, in 2003. Tom went to audition for Busted, but he wasn't accepted because the record lebel only wanted three members. Although, there he met James Bourne, one of the members of Busted, and they became friends. James tough him to write songs properly and gave him some music advices.
After some time, Tom was asked to audition for a new band, V. There, he met Danny Jones, who mistakenly was auditioning to that band, because it was more like a boy-band, without instruments and with coreographies, and that's not what Tom nor Danny were looking for. Tom got impressed of Danny's style and invited him to do some songwritting with him and James Bourne. When they stopped writting songs to Busted, Tom and Danny decided to form a band. They went to a hotel in London and started writting songs to the first album (like the song Room on the third floor says). Then, they put an anounce on the newspaper to find the other members, and that's how the found Dougie Poynter (bass) and Harry Judd (drums).
Tom's favourite film was Back to the future, so they decided to call the band like the main character, Marty McFly. He's a fanatic of films like Back to the future, Star Wars, Ghost Busters, Harry Potter, and all the books of that kind.
As well as the guitar, Tom plays the piano, and he's the pianist of some of the songs, like She falls asleep (him, the piano and an orchestra) Sorry's not good enough and We're the young. He's a very talented and artistic person, he plays guitar, piano, bass guitar, he paints, cooks and he loves cats. He's got three cats, Marvin, Leia and Aurora. He's been dating her girlfriend Giovanna Falcone for five years.
So this is Tom Fletcher, a funny and lovely person member of McFly.

domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

And to continue...

Ok, it's been a lot since my first and last post. I had forgotten about the blog :S But now I'll try to do this more often.
Today I'm going to talk about my favourite band in the whole word. I'm not saying that they're the best, because that would be too much. I'm not that kind of fan that defends them against everything. Each person has his own opinion. Plus, there's a lot of awesome bands in the history of music. But it is my favourite band, though. I'm talking about McFLY. They starred in the film Just my luck in 2005, that's how I knew of them.
McFLY are a brittish band formed in 2004 and composed of Tom Fletcher (up), Danny Jones (down, right), Harry Judd (down, left) and Dougie Poynter (down, middle). The name is due to Back to the future's main caracter, Marty McFly. Back to the future is one of Tom's favourite film. Their kind of music is pop rock, although it changed in their last album, when they decided to make an experiment mixing their style with R&B. They have the record of the youngest band in having a debut album at the number one of the lists, record taken from The Beatles. The reason they're my favourite band is because they original and authentic. They write their own songs and play their own instruments, they've kept heir feet in the ground, they're really funny and generous and they've worked very hard to be where they are.

The next day I'll talk about the members of McFly.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

This is how this begins...

So, this is my first blog post and I don't actually know how to begin, because I haven't ever had anything like this. Well, first of all, I'm going to try to introduce and kind of make a description of myself: I'm Rossina Telechea, I'm 17 and I live in Benicarló. I'm a calm and quiet girl in general, I'm shy and kind with people that I don't know, but when I'm with friends I'm quite a lot of crazy and laugh all the time. 
I love music and singing, especially in English. My favourite band is McFly, a brittish band. They're awesome. My favourite singer is Avril Lavigne, although her last album was quite different from the first ones. I like other bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blink 182, Arbol, La Vela Puerca and some of Maroon 5 and Guns and Roses.
I like watching films and series and reading. The best series in the world are Friends and How I met your mother, and my favourite books are The dark door, Three meters over the sky and Harry Potter series. 

And I think that's all for now.